The New York Times: Molly Mirhashem is joining Well


Exercise is a miracle drug: Perhaps nothing does more for our health and longevity. That makes fitness coverage central to Well’s mission. So we’re happy to announce that Molly Mirhashem is joining The Times as a senior staff editor for fitness.

Molly comes to us from Outside, where she has been the editorial director. She managed daily digital operations, led a team of editors and brought in fascinating stories at the intersection of science and outdoor life.

Colleagues and writers describe Molly as a master of line editing and a big-picture thinker, with an inspiring storyside manner. She’s edited everything from full-dress profiles to personal essays to health service packages. She edited Alex Hutchinson’s popular Sweat Science column, built up coverage of female athletes and led an expansion of health coverage. A passionate runner, she also edited running coverage for years.

Molly grew up in New Hampshire and attended Tufts University.

Her first day is April 29. Please join us in welcoming her to Well.


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