Rick Noack named The Washington Post’s Afghanistan bureau chief


Announcement from international editor Doug Jehl, deputy international editor Jennifer Amur and senior international editor Alan Sipress:

We’re very happy to announce that Rick Noack will become our next Afghanistan bureau chief, taking responsibility for covering the legacy of America’s longest war. A primary goal will be to reveal and illuminate how the Taliban is remaking Afghanistan two years after ousting the U.S.-backed government.

In his nine years at The Post, Rick has demonstrated the versatility, creativity and initiative that will make him a strong fit for this important role. He has spent the last 30 months as a Paris-based correspondent, and worked previously as a breaking-news and international affairs reporter in Washington, London and Berlin. He is adept at telling stories in multiple ways, including with graphics and video, an approach that has made him a standout in connecting with our general-interest audience.

Rick grew up in eastern Germany and began working for The Post on an Arthur F. Burns fellowship that brought him to the United States for a year’s study at Johns Hopkins University. He is a graduate of Sciences Po Paris, with a B.A. in political science, and of King’s College, London, with an MA in terrorism, security and society. In addition to English, he speaks German and French.

Rick took on the Afghanistan job on an interim basis in April, and has already delivered compelling work from the country, including his story about the cash-strapped Taliban selling ticket to see the Buddhist statues it blew up 22 years ago in the province of Bamian. While Rick will focus primarily on Afghanistan, his responsibilities will also include coverage of Pakistan, working closely with our Pakistani correspondents there.

Rick will be based in Istanbul, and he will relocate there as soon as he gains the necessary accreditation. He starts in his new role on Aug. 1.


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