Reporters Committee Local Legal Initiative expands to Indiana

RCFP will hire an attorney to work in Indiana and provide direct pro bono legal support to local journalists


The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press announced today the launch of the Indiana Local Legal Initiative to provide vital pro bono legal support for Indiana newsrooms and journalists investigating and reporting the stories that matter most to their communities.

Indiana is the latest addition to the Reporters Committee’s Local Legal Initiative, which is active in Colorado, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee.

“We are thrilled to expand the Local Legal Initiative into Indiana and build upon the Reporters Committee’s longtime work with journalists and news organizations in the state,” said Katie Townsend, deputy executive director and legal director for the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. “Access to legal resources is a vital part of the infrastructure that underpins thriving local journalism, and we are excited to grow our ability to help Indiana journalists defend their newsgathering rights, access public records and court proceedings, and hold public officials accountable.”

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