Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria Ressa empowers fact-checkers, warns of inflection point for democracy at GlobalFact 11

Philippine journalist calls tech companies 'frenemies' with fact-checkers and urges them to act to stop the spread of misinformation


Nobel Peace Prize laureate Maria Ressa opened GlobalFact 11 with words of encouragement to fact-checkers all over the world and appeals to the tech companies sponsoring the event.

In a June 26 conversation with AFP Global News Director Phil Chetwynd, Ressa spoke about her experience of promoting fact-checking in the Philippines through collaboration, fighting back against attacks and building “deliberative” technology.

While she thanked tech companies Meta, TikTok and YouTube for funding fact-checking, she also urged them to “do something” to protect democracy and prevent genocide.

Here is the text of Maria Ressa’s keynote conversation with Chetwynd, edited for brevity and clarity.

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