Introducing The Athletic’s first executive editor, Steven Ginsberg


I’m very excited to announce that Steven Ginsberg will be our first executive editor.

Steven joins us from The Washington Post, where he’s spent the past 28 years. In his time there, he has worked his way up from copy aide to serving as managing editor overseeing The Post’s National (national security, politics, health, science and America), Metro and Sports coverage (guiding, for example, The Post’s recent investigative takeout How the NFL Blocks Black coaches). Over the course of his career, he has been involved in seven Pulitzer Prize-winning projects.

We conducted an intensive search and interview process during which it became clear that Steven is the right leader for The Athletic’s newsroom. He is a champion of ambitious and creative journalism who has a love for breaking news, beat reporting, analysis and investigative scoops. He knows how to connect great journalism with digital audiences. He has an eye for great journalistic talent and an ability to inspire colleagues to excel in their roles. He approaches leadership through the lens of inclusion and equity. And he’s done it all while leading large teams.

Steven is a giant sports fan (not to mention a Giants sports fan) who shares our vision for The Athletic to be the best destination for sports journalism in the world. Under his leadership, our newsroom will continue to be a magnet for extremely talented sports journalists to do their best work.

I asked Steven to share, in his own words, why he’s excited to join:

I am thrilled to be joining The Athletic. I can’t imagine a more appealing role — I’m an obsessive sports fan and deeply committed to pursuing ambitious, innovative journalism. Nothing is more exciting than breaking the big story or landing an impactful investigation. Nothing beats having the news everyone is talking about.

My journey to The Athletic started a few years ago when I became a subscriber. I signed up to get my Yankees and Giants fix, and also to see how this new site I kept hearing about was changing journalism. Like most readers, I was quickly hooked. The Athletic is fun and smart and engages sports and the culture around it in the way fans like me think about it.

My goal as executive editor is to build on what you have created, to continue bringing together the world’s best journalists to create the world’s best sports journalism site. I can’t wait to meet everyone and am beyond excited to get started.

Steven officially starts on Jan. 3. Please join me in congratulating him and giving him a warm welcome when you meet him!


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