Syliva Chan-Olmsted to retire from UFCJC at the end of fall semester


Sylvia Chan-OlmstedUniversity of Florida College of Journalism and Communications (UFCJC) Media Production, Management, and Technology professor and director of consumer media research, will retire at the end of the fall 2024 semester after 27 years at the College.

During her tenure, Chan-Olmsted was the Al and Effie Flanagan Professor in Journalism and Communications, the College’s director of media consumer research since 2015, and served as an affiliated researcher with the Consortium on Trust in Media and Technology since 2019. She was the associate dean for research from 2006-2012, the graduate coordinator from 2002 to 2006, and she served on various College committees including Curriculum Development/Revision, Faculty Welfare and Development, Tenure and Promotion, Research, Affirmative Action, Graduate, Doctoral Application Review and Commencement.

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