South Dakota Second-Grader Draws Daily Comic Strip


By: Heidi Kulicke

South Dakota Second-Grader Draws Daily Comic Strip

You’ll see little boys playing with their toys, video games, or even mud. They like to watch TV, play sports, and terrorize their sisters once in a while. But for Dominick Johnson, drawing his comic strip comes before all of that. The 7-year-old from Brandon, S.D., has big dreams to see his cartoons published in a newspaper someday.“Every Sunday he asks me, ‘Is my comic going to be in the paper?’ and then he runs out to get the paper,” said his mother, Kelli Johnson, in an article featured in the Argus (S.D.) Leader.


In first grade, he wrote and illustrated his first story about a leopard making new friends at school. Shortly after, he began drawing a comic strip every day. It’s now been more than a year.


Dominick’s cartoons usually reflect something that happened at home or school. He then transfers the idea to his recurring “3 Ninjas” or “Max and Curt” comic strip. And he has a special comic strip called “Baby Blue” featuring his sisters, McKenzie and Madylan. Kelli told the Argus Leader she is frequently told how advanced he is for his age. She can definitely see her son pursuing a career in the art world someday, as long as he continues to enjoy it.


And as for Dominick, he said he wants to be a spy and a ninja when he grows up and also wants to be “an animator and make movies and own a toy store where I don’t have to pay for anything.”


Someone’s got to do it, right?


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