Evan Gershkovich sentenced to 16 years in Russian prison after wrongful conviction

Sentencing came after a secret trial that the U.S. has condemned as a sham


Evan Gershkovich, the Wall Street Journal reporter falsely accused by Russian authorities of spying, was sentenced to 16 years in a high-security penal colony, after being wrongfully convicted in a hurried, secret trial that the U.S. government has condemned as a sham.

The court’s Friday verdict — after three days of hearings — was widely viewed as a foregone conclusion, since acquittals in Russian espionage trials are exceedingly rare. Gershkovich was afforded few of the protections normally accorded to defendants in the U.S. and other Western countries.

After reading the ruling, the judge asked Gershkovich if he understood. Gershkovich, standing in the dock and wearing a dark T-shirt, responded with a nod. He gave a brief wave before being removed by security officers.

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