Business journalists continue to earn premium salaries; 70% report salary increases


Business journalists continue to earn an impressive premium over their general-news peers, while demographic data indicate a strong cohort of female business journalists is making its way up the ranks, according to the most recent salary survey conducted by The Reynolds Center for Business Journalism.

Front-line business journalists — reporters, correspondents and freelancers — who responded to the survey, conducted from April 15 to May 1, 2024, reported a median salary of $75,599. That’s $18,099 higher — or 31.5% more — than the median salary published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for news analysts, reporters and journalists in May 2023 — the most recent data available at the time of publishing. This is the third consecutive year the Reynolds Center has conducted this survey and demonstrates a clear and consistent premium in the salaries reported by business reporters. 

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