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Typical Editor and Publisher corrupt media leftist take. Article didn't mention the wealth of Joe Biden's stumbling and bumbling lies. Or that the Democrats have used the legal system Russian style to try and frame and destroy their legitimate opponents. The story ignored its own statements. Like this: "It’s tricky business trying to cover an election fairly when many on one side of the political divide seem ready to tear down all the rules to obtain power." Clearly, to even the most casual observers, this is what the Democrat party is doing. At first read one would think it's a clear reference to the Democrats and its "lawfare." Or, quoting the bias NY Times editor trying not to sound bias: “To say that the threats of democracy are so great that the media is going to abandon its central role as a source of impartial information to help people vote — that’s essentially saying that the news media should become a propaganda arm for a single candidate because we prefer that candidate’s agenda,” Editor Kahn said. Yet that's exactly what the lame stream media has been doing for a decade now. As usual, the story mentions one 90 minute non-violent protest by the right and ignores 600 violent protest in the summer of 2020 by the left. Or hundreds of anti Jewish racist riots and ugly protests by the left currently in play. You aren't fooling anyone.

From: Journalists struggle to cover election amid rising anti-democratic rhetoric

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